2016 Free Boms

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Devonshire Tea

I haven't caught up with Christine for a Devonshire Tea in quite a while, so I thought I'd better make some scones 
and invite Christine over to Watch The Great Australian Bake Off.  One of my very favourite shows.
You can catch up with it HERE on You Tube.
As soon as I saw these exquisite moths I exclaimed 'Oh Wow' and I think you will agree with me.
You can make your own if you follow the fabulous detailed instructions at Red Brolly.  Please follow this LINK.  Enormous thanks to everyone involved.

Hope you have a delightful day


  1. And what delicious scones they were! Thanks for the lovely afternoon, Mel. We even managed a little stitching too. xx

  2. Looks like the perfect way to share some time.

  3. Hi Melody, thanks for sharing, your scones look great, Great Australian Bake Off worthy that's for sure , nothing like a good Devonshire Tea, and with special friend, my mouth is watering right now. Thank you for the moths eye candy and link, they are beautiful. Have a wonderful week. Jude

  4. Gee, your scones look so yummy!!! I think I have only ever made them once. Great pic Of Christine. She looks like she can't wait to eat one. Hope you are well . Angel Hugs.

  5. Look at those scones... Yumo!!! If you like the Red Brolly moths you may like these too... http://www.mister-finch.com/ This guy is amazing... He uses recycled fabric such as doilies, fur and fabric...https://www.google.com.au/search?q=mister+finch&biw=1280&bih=685&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwjgvYqOuPXPAhWHOJQKHW6KDFkQ_AUIBigB&dpr=1#imgrc=CkiGNwT9HGWV5M%3A

  6. Thales scones look fabulous , bet they were lovely with the jam and cream ladies...

  7. Hello Melody,

    Serious scone envy going on here.

    Happy days.



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