2016 Free Boms

Friday, April 29, 2016

Time with Henry

My favourite little fellow is here at the moment so my life had been duplo, trains, Paw Patrol and racing cars with Mario and Luigi so no time for sewing...but nothing is better than spending time with my dear little Henry.
As a result there is only a LINK today.
Kelli's delightful blog, Willow Basket is new to me but I'm so happy I found it.  I love the simple sweetness of this beautiful window dressing and thought you might like it too.
Please follow this LINK to find Kelli's fabulous, detailed tutorial.  Many thanks to Kelli for sharing it with us.
Have a wonderful weekend.  
Hope I'll see you Monday


  1. Have fun with Henry - blogging and stitching can always wait!

  2. It is just such a delight having Henry visit with you. I spent time with my GGS yesterday for his 3rd BD. Loved it....

  3. Hey! Thanks so much for linking over and your sweet comments and encouragement! People like you make this little sewing world so fun! -Kelli

  4. Hey!! Thanks for the link and the sweet comments! People like you make this sewing world so fun and encouraging. :) Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Little Henry is really growing, Thanks for the link!!

  6. Nothing beats a happy boy for bringing you a smile.



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