2016 Free Boms

Friday, April 15, 2016

On a mission...from Mrs Martin

When lovely Karen from Mrs Martins Quilt Shop came to visit us at North of the Yarra Quilters earlier this year, someone ordered this delightful pattern by Melissa Grant of One Day in May
Karen recorded the person who wanted it on a piece of paper and unfortunately she lost that little piece of paper so I'll be bringing it along to the Saturday Guild Meeting in case whoever ordered it is there.  
On the subject of NOTYQ, anyone is always very welcome to come to our Guild meetings or weekly sit and sew days (every Thursday 10am - 10pm.  Come whenever suits you) as a visitor.  Only costs $2 and is lots and lots of fun.  If you want to come and are worried you won't know anyone, leave me a message and I'll meet you there or just turn up, they are a super friendly bunch.  
(The picture shows some of us on the annual quilting retreat.)
NOTYQ meets at the Diamond Creek Senior Citizens Hall every Thursday and monthly Guild Meetings alternate between Thursday night one month and Saturdays, during the day, the next month. We have a Guild Meeting this Saturday and our guest speaker is Cynthia Carter from the Days for Girls Project.
Here's LINK to their facebook page and a LINK to their website.
I highly recommend the BLOG too.
I'm always drawn to crochet so when I saw this gorgeous blanket I couldn't resist sharing the LINK.
I found it at fabulous Repeat Crafter Me,  Enormous thanks to super talented Sarah for sharing it with us.
Hope you are having a fun day


  1. Great pics and it looks like a wonderful day with the Guild.

  2. I've never had a group to stitch with - you gals look like you have so much fun!!!



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