2016 Free Boms

Saturday, May 23, 2015

The gang is all here

A variety of birds visit my garden every day.  Usually there are half a dozen or so corellas.  The main flock live in the park three doors down from me...but yesterday the whole gang dropped by. They were happy for me to walk really close to them, within inches, and it was absolutely thrilling.

There were about 60 all together.

Fabulous design, gorgeous bag, wonderful instructions and tutorial.  What more could you want?
Well aren't we lucky because you can find them all HERE at Michael Ann's wonderful blog Michael Ann Made.
Hope you have time for some stitching today


  1. How amazing to have so many visit. And, what a cute, cute bag! Will look at that cat fabric with new ideas now!

  2. Beautiful birds! They look like white parrots....they must be in the "family". I love the hexie pattern too...of course! Check my blog today as I posted some things you would like. I think.

  3. That is a heap of corellas...I bet they were noisy Mel!! The hexie bag looks cute too!

  4. Oh wow...look at all those beautiful birds! That's cool! :0)

  5. How cool they all came for a visit - they look great together in a big flock!

  6. Wow! I would have been amazed to see them all.

  7. I love our aussie wildlife, being a cyclist I often get up close and personal with the birds etc.... I must say even though I love seeing the roos and its great fun when they are in full flight beside me while I am doing 40kmph I am very wary of them bouncing in front of me, cyclist VS kangaroos isnt a good combo. hope your corellas didnt leave their calling cards lol

  8. Delighted you have the Corellas.. They invade our town by the hundreds and destroy our beautiful Mortenbay trees in the Main Street every year...

  9. Amazing bird pics Melody... I bet they were rowdy!

  10. how fun having all those corella's visiting.... noisy and messy I expect too... they are such fun to watch...

  11. It is always amazing when nature choose to engage with us...wonderful xx



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