2016 Free Boms

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

One Flower Wednesday

Only one lonely little hexie flower this week because my house has been under siege....  from zombies.... they've been in my garden and on my roof, by day and by night.  

My fantastic son Jack bought me an iPad for Mother's Day... and I've been playing Plants vs Zombies and having enormous fun.  Last night I beat the boss zombie and the game is finished.  Lucky really, I can now go back to peaceful sewing without the zombies calling for my 'brains, brains'.

If you prefer hexie flowers to zombies pop on over to Karen's beautiful blog, Journey of a Quilter, for One Flower Wednesday.  Thanks Karen
Since the plants triumphed I thought a link to this gorgeous pattern shared by Patti R Anderson at Patchpieces  would be perfect today
Patti shares lots of fantastic designs so please pop over to her blog.


  1. A beautiful bloom Melody, I always love the way you style your pics...

  2. Ooooh Zombies! I was worried there for you, for a minute! Now that you are safe, back to the sewing!

  3. lol,Mel you are now queen of the zombies,lol.That is one gorgeous Hexi,well done.xx

  4. Beautiful flower! Put the zombies to sleep and get back to sewing. LOL!

  5. Lovely Flower to add to your garden Melody.
    I still have to sew my...

    Oh not the Zombies, my GS is addicted to that game.Pleased you beat the boss and can now get back to your sewing.

  6. Oh dear, not the Zombies! Beautiful flower Melody!

  7. Yes to sewing... No to zombies!
    Love the hexie and the link to a tulip too!

  8. You got me started on zombies and it is great fun but Stressful. Lol. That is a very pretty hexie.

  9. You flower is lovely! My grandson played Plants verses Zombies on my computer when he visited once so I tried it out. I was up rather late that night. I just finished the house on the Penny Rug SAL...have to admit I have skipped the first tree for now. All those little leaves, but I will go back to it when I catch up. Bought some vintage buttons at the flea market yesterday that I hope to use on the 2nd tree. I will post a picture of the house soon!

  10. Beautiful flower as always. I agree with Sunny, PUT THE ZOMBIES TO SLEEP.

  11. Lovely hexie flower. Zombies on the roof......scary stuff! Sewing is much safer.

  12. I too received an iPad for Mothers Day, but have managed to keep it game free so far. It does have some very strange photos on it though! Love your little bunny pincushion, it's very sweet. Hope your night is zombie-free.

  13. What a beautiful flower! well done. And your little bunny pin cushion is sweet.....I have a tendency to get stuck on my iPod playing Drawsome, Words with Friends, and Bejeweled.....sometimes we need a break from quilting......have fun!

  14. Gorgeous flower! Never heard of Plants vs Zombies but I have been known to lose track of time playing games...you know if you sign in under a different name you can start over again and better your score/time?



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